旧约考古:入主迦南时期 - 陈崇基牧师 (AOT202) (粤语)

- 这个课程是城汇主办的证书课程,是<旧约考古学- 证书课程>之六个课程中的第二个。
- 研究焦点是旧约历史的以色列人入主迦南时期,即约书亚和士师记所叙述的时期。在圣经考古上,这是青铜时代后期(Late Bronze Age),约为公元前 1550-1200 年。
- 我们会处理这段时期的考古争议和圣经诠释的问题。
- 对青铜时代后期(Late Bronze Age; 公元前 1550-1200 年)的考古资料有概略认识
- 认识约书亚记的以色列入主迦南历史的圣经考古争议和回应
- 使用考古资料作约书亚和士师记的圣经诠释
- 学员是认真追求真理的基督徒,或愿意认真了解圣经的朋友
- 已完成〈圣经考古入门〉(AIT101)和〈旧约考古-族长-埃及-旷野时期〉(AOT201)会有帮助
- 完成所有习作(例如:经文阅读、小测合格、证书同学写圣经考古释经文章/报告)
- 证书同学会另外收到有关考古文章/报告的题目
- 如有问题,同学们可以电邮给陈崇基牧师
- 陈崇基牧师会于每个月发还考古文章/报告
- 完全所有习作后会收到Certificate of Completion
- 整个课程将会是录影教学,共4课各约1.5小时的录影
- 课程为期 8 个星期 (由收到连结后开始),学员可以方便自己的时间收看录影并完成相关的习作,详细情况会于电邮讲解
旁听 |
证书课程 |
录影教学 |
✓ | ✓ |
每周小测 Weekly Quiz |
✓ | ✓ |
释经文章/报告 Essay/Report Assignment |
✓ | |
每周课前阅读 Weekly Required Reading |
✓ | |
其他阅读资料 Other Reading Materials |
✓ | |
课堂教学简报 |
✓ |
- 课前阅读:
- *速读约书亚记1-12章,掌握经文脉络
- Biblical History of Israel, pp. 138-147.
- Uziel, Joe. “Archaeology of the Late Bronze Age,” in Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament, pp. 103-113.
- 延伸阅读:
- Younger, K. Lawson. Ancient Conquest Accounts: A Study in Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical History Writing. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1990, pp. 165-196.
- 其他推荐资料
- 课前阅读:
- *速读约书亚记13-24章,掌握经文脉络
- Biblical History of Israel, pp. 148-168.
- Pitkanen, Pekka. “The Settlement Period,” in Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament, pp. 358-368.
- 延伸阅读:
- Younger, K. Lawson. Ancient Conquest Accounts: A Study in Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical History Writing. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1990, pp. 197-240.
- 其他推荐资料
- 课前阅读:
- *速读士师记1-9章,掌握经文脉络
- Biblical History of Israel, pp. 169-172.
- Janzen, Mark D. “Akhenaten and the Amarna Period,” in Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament, pp. 437-447.
- 延伸阅读:
- Younger, K. Lawson. Ancient Conquest Accounts: A Study in Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical History Writing. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1990, pp. 241-266.
- 其他推荐资料
- 课前阅读:
- *速读士师记10-21章,掌握经文脉络
- Biblical History of Israel, pp. 173-192.
- Mumford, Gregory D. “The Late Bronze Age Collapse and the Sea Peoples’ Migrations,” in Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament, pp. 448-467.
- 延伸阅读:
- Webb, Barry. 1987. The Book of the Judges: An Integrated Reading. Sheffield: JSOT, pp. 81-101.
- 其他推荐资料
- Greer, Jonathan S., John W. Hilber and John H. Walton. 2018. Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament: Cultural, Social, and Historical Contexts. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.
- Longman, Tremper III and Raymond B. Dillard. 2006. An Introduction to the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
- Mazar, Amihai. 1992. Archaeology of the Land of the Bible, 10,000-586 B.C.E. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
- Provan, Iain, V. Philips Long, and Tremper Longman III. 2003. A Biblical History of Israel. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox.
- Walton, John H, Victor H. Matthews and Mark W. Chavalas. 2000. The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic.
- Younger, K. Lawson. Ancient Conquest Accounts: A Study in Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical History Writing. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1990, pp. 241-266.
- Webb, Barry G. The Book of Judges. NICOT. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2012, pp. 4-19.
- US$25 (旁听)
- US$50 (证书)
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